The fundamental requirement for mankind is the knowledge of Truth and the application of Wisdom. Great leaders knew this truth which made them not only famous but men of influence. We must seek the source, connected to the source, direct the generation to the source. We at Pon Vidyashram are concerned in connecting this generation to the unfailing source.
We believe that the mental picture of a man is what defines his actual future. Our mission is to stimulate the dream of royalty and the dream of dignity into our students so that they can begin to develop a royal attitude, cultivate royal habits and form a royal character to our new generation.
Skill development enables to utilize the possessing ability to deliver the given task.
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Teacher Recruitment for Co-Scholastic
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Dear Parent, Greetings from PON VIDYASHRAM ! We have attached the Guidelines for Parents to take care of their Children in the present Pandemic situation.
Pon Vidyashram Group extends a warm welcome to the Parents and Students. Our mission is to inspire and empower the young students with innate talents and potential. We help them to churn out the essence of their potential knowledge which helps them to achieve their professional goals. We believe that every field of education makes a difference.
I am proud to say that PON VIDYASHRAM explores every possible avenue, for the discerning students to transform them into distinguished professionals, thus paving an innovative path to human progress. Make up your mind, Go ahead, and Create your own world is the mantra of this successful Institution. We offer Holistic education in a friendly and caring environment thus ensuring students’ happiness during their stay at school.
Born to highly principled and pious parents, I hailed from a diminutive village, namely Manikudi in Thanjavur district of Tamilnadu which has a population of only 2000.The thirst to spread the light of education aroused me to start an Educational Institution. Today, Our institutions are standing mightily as a Beacon spreading the Light to the world.
We provide quality education based on our motto "Transforming lives into legacies" to be more Creative, Competent and Confident. Our school community attaches greater importance in developing the interests and skills of the student to meet the needs of each individual thus valuing their unique worth.
I am sure that your child is going to be in the safe and caring hands at Pon Vidyashram Schools. And you, as parents can look forward for a Quality Education by our team of dedicated and talented teaching professionals.
Pon Vidyashram has eliminated out-dated educational system and incorporated 21st century learning method for 21st century mind.
We teach students to think empirically being a social responsibility.
Our Miracle Curriculum promotes meta-cognitive skills that enable students to monitor our own learning.
Our class rooms are well equipped with modern gadgets for Audio-visual teaching. Our professionally designed teaching-learning process is integrated with cutting edge technology adopting digital techniques clubbed with multimedia audio-visual content screened through projector for impeccable learning by students.
Our teachers are specially trained for Audio-Visual Teaching.
Learn MorePre-primary education is defined as the initial stage of organised instruction, designed primarily to introduce very young children to a school-type environment, that is, to provide a bridge between home and a school-based atmosphere.
Primary education is typically the first stage of formal education, coming after preschool/kindergarten and before secondary school. Primary education takes place in primary school, the elementary school or first and middle school depending on the location.
The senior secondary years are the years of later adolescence corresponding to the later part of secondary education. The term "senior secondary" may also be used to refer to any institution that covers the upper part of secondary education, such as a high school.
The senior secondary years of a student involves the 11th & 12th grade of a student. Senior Secondary is also referred as High school in various places. In the Senior Secondary years, the respective fields of study get divided into various streams like Science, Commerce and Arts.
co-curricular activities might include National Honor Society, student council, school sports teams, math clubs, chess clubs, talent shows, spelling bees, writing competitions, debates, mock trials, school newspapers, and drama productions
Besides the Curriculum, our Schools offer Extra & Co-curricular activities like Cricket, Volley Ball, Badminton, Kho-Kho, Athletics, Chess, Fine Arts like Music, Dancing, Painting, Yoga etc. so that the children get opportunities to compete and win medals at different levels.
It is measured through surveys that require participants to rank their level of happiness based on an assortment of quality-of-life factors. Bhutan's gross national happiness index is an economic metric that is used quite frequently by people who study happiness economics.
Parent Engagement in Schools is defined as parents and school staff working together to support and improve the learning, development, and health of children and adolescents.
Pon Vidyashram is affiliated to the CBSE, New Delhi ...
Pon Vidyashram is proud to announce that we were ...
The State Government had given its approval for ...
We were adjudged the outstanding school for ...